Requirements - TheNineTail/Red-DiscordBot GitHub Wiki

Installing Red's requirements


###Python libraries

Windows: open the start menu, type cmd, right click and open the command prompt as admin.
Linux: open the console (Ctrl + Alt + T on Ubuntu)

With Red being modular, there's only one requirement that's necessary to run her. Any other requirement is dependent on the modules (cogs) you want to load. This is the full list, if you're not interested in certain modules feel free to ignore their requirements too.

Red's requirement (must install this):

pip3 install git+ requirement:

pip3 install youtube_dl

ffmpeg (ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, ffprobe.exe) and libopus (32bit/64bit) must be installed too. Either install them from their original source or download the linked files and put them in Red's main folder (when you install it, as explained in the next guide).
Of course .exe and .dll are only for Windows. Linux users may refer to this.

NOTE: The opus library bitness MUST match your python's installation bitness. For example, if you installed python 32bit your opus library MUST be 32 bit too

cogs.image requirements:

pip3 install imgurpython

Hopefully things went smoothly.

If you're on Windows, it's time to install Red herself. Proceed here.

On Linux, your requirements are not yet fully installed. Proceed with this guide.