Red V2 Commands - TheNineTail/Red-DiscordBot GitHub Wiki
##How to use Red's Commands Red is now modular and uses commands + subcommands~
If you are confused, type in [p]help [command]
and if help command lists subcommands do [p]help [command] [subcommand]
being short for your prefix, such as !
, .
, ^
NOTE: Do not write your commands in []
or []
Wrong Example: [p]play []
Right Example: [p]play
###Alias Help
Commands | Description |
[p]alias | Manage per-server aliases for commands (has subcommands) |
[p]alias show [command] | Shows what command the alias executes. |
[p]alias add [command] [to_execute] | Add an alias for a command |
[p]alias help [command] | Tries to execute help for the base command of the alias |
[p]alias del [command] | Deletes an alias |
###Audio Help
Commands | Description |
[p]shuffle | Shuffles the playlist (no subcommands) |
[p]resume | Resumes currently paused song (no subcommands) |
[p]skip | Skips song |
[p]list | Lists playlist (has subcommands) |
[p]list playlist | |
[p]list local | |
[p]list queue | |
[p]local [local folder name] | Plays local playlist |
[p]mix | Plays saved playlist (shuffled) |
[p]audioset | Changes audio module settings (has subcommands) |
[p]audioset volume [volume number] | Sets the volume (0-1) |
[p]audioset queue | Enables/disables forced queue |
[p]audioset status | Enables/disables songs' titles as status |
[p]audioset maxlength [time in seconds] | Maximum track length (seconds) for requested links |
[p]loop | Loops single song |
[p]playlist [playlist name] | Plays saved playlist |
[p]queue [link] | Add link to queue |
[p]pause | Pauses the current song |
[p]prev | Previous song |
[p]addplaylist [playlist name] [playlist link] | Adds tracks from youtube playlist link. |
Do not use spaces in playlist name | |
Replace them with hyphens or underscores instead | |
[p]song or [p]title | Shows the current song title |
[p]stop | Stops audio activities |
[p]sing | Make Red sing! |
[p]play | Plays link |
###Custom Commands
Commands | Description |
[p]delcom [command] | Deletes a custom command |
[p]addcom [command] [text/link] | Adds a custom command |
[p]customcommands | |
[p]editcom [command] [edited text/link] | Edits a custom command |
Commands | Description |
[p]payday | Get some free credits |
[p]slot | Play the slot machine |
[p]economyset | Changes economy module settings |
[p]economyset paydaycredits [credits] | Credits earned each payday |
[p]economyset slotmax [bid] | Maximum slot machine bid |
[p]economyset paydaytime [seconds] | Seconds between each payday |
[p]economyset slotmin [bid] | Minimum slot machine bid |
[p]bank | Bank operations |
[p]bank balance [user] | Shows balance of user. |
[p]bank transfer [user] [sum] | Transfer credits to other users |
[p]bank register | Registers an account at the Twentysix bank |
[p]payouts | Shows slot machine payouts |
Commands | Description |
[p]flip or [p]flip [user] | Flips a coin... or a user. |
[p]rps [rock, paper, or scissors] | Play rock paper scissors |
[p]poll [question];[option1];[option2] etc | Starts a poll |
[p]poll stop | Ends a poll |
[p]roll [number] | Rolls random number (between 1 and user choice). Default number is 100 |
[p]8 [question?] | Ask 8 ball a question |
Must end with a "?" | |
[p]urban [word] | Urban Dictionary search |
[p]stopwatch | Starts/stops stopwatch |
[p]choose [option 1] [option 2] | Chooses between multiple choices. |
[p]info or [p]info [user] | Shows users's informations |
[p]server | Shows server's informations |
[p]lmgtfy [search] | Creates a lmgtfy link |
Commands | Description |
[p]gif [search] | Retrieves first search result from giphy |
[p]imgur [search] | Retrieves a random imgur picture |
[p]gifr [search] | Retrieves a random gif from a giphy search |
Commands | Description |
[p]ignore | Adds servers/channels to ignorelist (has subcommands) |
[p]ignore server | Ignores current server |
[p]ignore channel or [p]ignore channel [channel] | Ignores channel, defaults to current one |
[p]ban [user] [days=0] | Bans user and deletes last X days worth of messages. |
[p]modset | Manages server administration settings. (has subcommands) |
[p]modset adminrole [role_name] | Sets the admin role for this server, case insensitive. |
[p]modset modrole [role_name] | Sets the mod role for this server, case insensitive. |
[p]cleanup | Deletes messages. |
[p]cleanup messages [number] | Deletes last X messages. |
[p]cleanup user [name/mention] [number] | Deletes last X messages from specified user. |
[p]cleanup text "Text here" [number] | Deletes last X messages matching the specified text. |
[p]filter | Adds/removes words from filter |
[p]filter remove [words...] | Remove words from the filter |
[p]filter add [words...] | Adds words to the filter |
[p]unignore | Removes servers/channels from ignorelist (has subcommands) |
[p]unignore server | Removes current server from ignore list |
[p]unignore channel or [p]unignore channel [channel] | Removes channel from ignore list |
[p]editrole | Edits roles settings (has subcommands) |
[p]editrole colour [role] [value] | Edits a role's colour |
[p]editrole name [role] [name] | Edits a role's name |
[p]kick [user] | Kicks user. |
Commands | Description |
[p]hitbox [name] | Checks if hitbox stream is online |
[p]twitch [name] | Checks if twitch stream is online |
[p]streamalert | Adds/removes stream alerts from the current channel |
[p]streamalert twitch [channel] | Checks if twitch stream is online |
[p]streamalert hitbox [channel] | Checks if hitbox stream is online |
Commands | Description |
[p]trivia | Show's trivia list names (has subcommands) |
[p]trivia [list name] | Start a trivia session with the specified list |
[p]trivia stop | Ends the current session |
###No Category
Commands | Description |
[p]uptime | Shows how long Red's been online |
[p]set | Changes settings (has subcommand) |
[p]set owner | Sets owner. |
[p]help | Shows list of commands |