General tips - TheNineTail/Red-DiscordBot GitHub Wiki

In the examples I will use the ! prefix. Of course change it to whatever you chose during configuration.

####Modules (cogs): Red is modular. Every module can contain additional features and/or set of commands.
The basic bot only has a few commands for joining/leaving servers, managing cogs and settings. This allows Red to be fully customizable, since you can choose which features you want.
You will be asked what modules to load during the initial configuration and whenever Red detects a new module at start.
You (owner) can load, unload and restart modules on the fly.

!load audio
!unload general
!restart streams

Cogs are contained in the cogs folder. Adding a new one (that isn't included in the official updates) is just a matter of dropping it in the folder and loading it.


  • Red will always respond to the owner, regardless of blacklists, whitelists, ignored channels/servers
  • The owner is set during the initial configuration or with !set owner
  • Compared to the first version Red, admin roles and mod roles are not strictly necessary. Most commands check for permissions too. For example, if a user with permissions to manage messages tries to use the cleanup command, it will still work.

####Help function:

  • Always refer to it when you don't know how to use a command, a subcommand or a category of commands. Examples: !help Audio !help flip !help cleanup messages
  • The help function only shows the commands that you have permissions to use. For example, normal users will not see admin commands.


  • Any data generated by Red and her modules (settings, playlists, trivia lists... everything) is contained in the data folder. Every cog has its own subfolder to keep things tidy.

####Hosting on a server:

  • You can use the --no-prompt parameter when starting Red to avoid being asked what to do with new modules.