User Manual - TheMathewNorman/RFID-Group-14 GitHub Wiki
23rd of May, 2018
The following document will detail the setup and use for the project as it exists on the date stamped at the top of this page. The portal (server) is currently the aspect of the project that contains any functional mechanics.
Installing the server
- A WAMP/LAMP Server. †
- The RFID-Group-14 Project.
- An RFID Reader. ‡
† WAMP: Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP & LAMP: Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP ‡ The RFID reader is connected the computer viewing accessing the portal. It is used to scan in members' cards.
Move the contents of Portal into your HTTP server's directory root.
Create a database for the project.
Create a file php/sqlcreds.php and copy the following into the file between PHP tags, changing the fields appropriately for your database.
$GLOBALS['server'] = "localhost"; $GLOBALS['user'] = "[Database user]"; $GLOBALS['pass'] = "[Database password]"; $GLOBALS['dbname'] = "[Database name]";
Load the site in your browser. (The login screen is currently not functional, to view the project in its current state please browse to localhost/page/index.php)
Current functionality
The site as it exists as of the data stamped at the top of this page has the following functionality:
- Members -> Add New
- Members -> List
- Members -> List -> Delete
- Admins -> Add New
- Admins -> List
- Admins -> List -> Delete
Login functionality is ready to be added, but we are currently waiting for the client to view the work before it is implemented.
Adding an Admin
- Navigate to Admins -> Add
- Fill in the required form fields.
- Click "Create Admin".
- You should now be directed to the Admins list page, the created Admin should appear at the bottom of the list.
Removing an Admin
- Navigate to Admins -> List
- Locate the Admin user you wish to delete.
- Click the trash icon next to the user.
- The user is no longer in the list.
Adding a Member
- Navigate to Members -> Add
- Fill in the required form fields.
- Click into the "Keycard" field and scan the card on the scanner. You may also type strings
- Click "Add Member".
- You should now be directed to the Member list page, the Member should appear at the bottom of the list.
Removing a Member
- Navigate to Members -> List
- Locate the member user you wish to delete.
- Click the trash icon next to the user.
- The user is no longer in the list.