Usage - TheM4hd1/SwiftyInsta GitHub Wiki
import SwiftyInsta
// these need to be strong references.
self.credentials = Credentials(username: /* username */, password: /* password */, verifyBy: .text)
self.handler = APIHandler()
handler.authenticate(with: .user(credentials)) {
switch $0 {
case .success(let response, _):
print("Login successful.")
// persist cache safely in the keychain for logging in again in the future.
guard let key = response.persist() else { return print("`Authentication.Response` could not be persisted.") }
// store the `key` wherever you want, so you can access the `Authentication.Response` later.
// `UserDefaults` is just an example.
UserDefaults.standard.set(key, forKey: "current.account")
case .failure(let error):
if error.requiresInstagramCode {
/* update interface to ask for code */
} else {
/* notify the user */
Once the user has typed the two factor authentication code or challenge code, you simply do
self.credentials.code = /* the code */
And the completionHandler
in the previous authenticate(with: completionHandler:)
will automatically catch the response.
(>= iOS 11 only)
let login = LoginWebViewController { controller, result in
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
// deal with authentication response.
guard let (response, _) = try? result.get() else { return print("Login failed.") }
print("Login successful.")
// persist cache safely in the keychain for logging in again in the future.
guard let key = response.persist() else { return print("`Authentication.Response` could not be persisted.") }
// store the `key` wherever you want, so you can access the `Authentication.Response` later.
// `UserDefaults` is just an example.
UserDefaults.standard.set(key, forKey: "current.account")
if #available(iOS 13, *) {
present(login, animated: true, completion: nil) // just swipe down to dismiss.
} else {
present(UINavigationController(rootViewController: login), // already adds a `Cancel` button to dismiss it.
animated: true,
completion: nil)
Or implement your own custom UIViewController
using LoginWebView
, and pass it to an APIHandler
method using .webView(/* your login web view */)
If you've already persisted a user's Authentication.Response
// recover the `key` returned by `Authentication.Response.persist()`.
// in our example, we stored it in `UserDefaults`.
guard let key = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "current.account") else { return print("`key` not found.") }
// recover the safely persisted `Authentication.Response`.
guard let cache = Authentication.Response.persisted(with: key) else { return print("`Authentication.Response` not found.") }
// log in.
let handler = APIHandler()
handler.authenticate(with: .cache(cache)) { _ in
/* do something here */
All endpoints are easily accessible from your APIHandller
let handler: APIHandler = /* a valid, authenticated handler */
// for instance you can…
// …fetch your inbox.
handler.messages.inbox(with: .init(maxPagesToLoad: .max),
updateHandler: nil,
completionHandler: { _, _ in /* do something */ })
// …fetch all your followers.
handler.users.following(user: .primaryKey(handler.user?.identity.primaryKey ?? -1),
with: .init(maxPagesToLoad: .max),
updateHandler: nil,
completionHandler: { _, _ in /* do something */ })
Futhermore, responses now display every single value contained in the JSON
file returned by the API: just access any ParsedResponse
and start browsing, or stick with the suggested accessories (e.g. User
's username
, name
, etc. and Media
's aspectRatio
, takenAt
, content
, etc.).