6. Reflection - TheKevSter35/meesterproef-1920 GitHub Wiki

Reflection meesterproef

Courses Achieved Explanations
Web-App-From-Scratch Yes The platform is setup in module. It was alot easier to fixen a something and perfect if you working in a team. We didn't had a APi to work with.
CSS-To-The-Rescue Yes There is alot of really cool css in the platform. For example: Quiz and overal design. crazy stuff like in CTTR but good for the target audience.
Progressive-Web-Apps Yes We used gulp to minified css, en i used compression to make the files small. If i had more time then i try to get a good score in lighthouse.
Browser-Technologies Yes/no The downsize of this platform it can't work without JS, The users is using the map, get points and those work with JS. but for the quiz it can work without js (not 100% if i had more time than is was possible)
Web-Design Yes This was the most important because we build it for a group that ared digital skilled. So testing was very important. Code and UX

At the beginning of this minor I wanted to improve my programming skills and decide what kinda front-ender i wanna be, With the meesterproef I can test my skills and show what i have learned during this minor.

The meesterproef was a roalercoaster. In the first week I was not sure what i wanna build a lot of confusing information was handed to us. and we ended with a prototype that I was glad working on it. during the first week we started over because we were not happy with the concept and we wanna build something that we wanna build and what we think that works. It was also the first time that i work in a team. And that went well (except merge conflicts was really). Almost everything I have learned a lot from this meesterproef (and this minor). The meesterproef is a good way to learn if this was a real project. During some meeting with the clients. I learned you have to say no sometimes. For example we were asked to introduce the user with video's but we can't do that and that takes a lot of time.

Even I code ALOT during the meesterproef. UX is really important. A shame that we had to test remote because you can't see how they interact with there device or if the problem was the device or the site. We a target audience that aren't digital skilled the tests were even more important not just if they know how the site works. But how you tell the site to the user. IF colors are wrong or text makes no sense. It can break your concept.

Overall the meesterproef was a lot of work. But in the end it was really awesome to use your acquired skills from all the courses in the minor and show them off into one project. It also gave me more confident to present my work to others because I'm not a fan of presentations. I'm always afraid to do it but I think during this minor it has improved.

Reflection about the minor

It was a fun and weird experience. First we worked in school and then we had to work from home due to the pandemic that was happening which the minor had to change. Luckily The minor was already suited for online work. But it doesn't stop me to learn a lot from this minor. I see that my code skills are improved. First I didn't like JS. but during this minor I feel more confident to use JS more often (it is not 100% perfect but it is a start) and slowly starting liking it. I already love CSS but with CTTR I had a blast and learned to try something new and take risk even if is not working in the end. I mean it is not always that I can make a neon sunset in CSS. I used animations for the first time and in every course I used it For me explaining what I did and how it did it was difficult for me but I think I improved that.

I wish I had worked on a framework like REACT or VUE. That is my next step in my front-end career.