4. Meesterproef week 4 - TheKevSter35/meesterproef-1920 GitHub Wiki

Meesterproef week 4

The final design

We finished the design for our platform. Randy was making the pop up, Kevin.k was making the dashboard and I was making the landing page and second tool/game. 178bb64aac8e922bac2298b86028adeb





I kept the landing page very simple. The focus is that the user wants to try the platform for the first time. Also, the buttons are easier to recognize. (round corners and bottom shadow). And is also changed on all the pages. We used pink/red color as the main button because it is a striking color.

List view changes


We had custom icons first. But with localfocus it was not possible to use our own icons. So we used the icons from localfocus for consistency.

Second tool / What kinda data is gonna send to the company.

The second tool is based on our very first idea. We made 2 versions of it. 1 for the public transport and 1 for the public library. For the public transport the user needs to select what for data is gonna send to the company when you checkin with your ticket.


Result page for Second tool

Like the result page for the quiz. It tells the user how many points he/she earned. But instead of a FAQ. The user will see what for data is sent to the company. (location, back number, name).


It is very simple but it shows what kinda games/tools the platform can have if developers are making new ones.

Demo for the clients

Our platform is done. We showed it to the clients how it works and how far are with the project. First they really like the design. They like the new tool that show the user the data they send. Also, the quiz is easy to use. It is maybe to difficult but it contains subjects that are difficult to explain.

We were ready to test with the target audience. The downsize it was only possible in the final week for the project. But it is an important step so we agree to do it.


The platform is almost done and we have a working prototype. Is funny that we were not happy with our first concept and it returns in our new concept. Our coach help us with the designing part and it really help us to make a flow that was easy to use for the target audience.