3. Meesterproef week 3 - TheKevSter35/meesterproef-1920 GitHub Wiki
For this week. I update the quiz based on the feedback from week 2 and starting to style the overview page and quiz pages.
- add a white background to the info-text to give more focus.
- add text to the next question button.
- images are updated based on feedback.
The result page is done!!!. Here the user will see how there score if they submit the quiz. Depending of the score the user will get a different message, Below the score the user see FAQ about the subjects within the quiz.
I choose to do the styling for the platform. Well Randy is focusing on the localfocus map. And Kevin.k Creating a dashboard for the user.
The styling is the same as wijzer.amsterdam to make that connecting that this is an addition to the site. But we changed some parts of it to make it its own platform.
In the sidebar the user can see his progress and score. The navigation is hidden in the menu icon. Also, the chat function is always present so if the user needs help or is stuck in the platform the chat can help the user. It doesn't have much color because we want to let the user focus on the core functions of the platform (map and quiz).
The map is really present on this page. We used a <iframe>
to show the localfocus map. If the user click on one of the markers it will reveal a linear story that the user can follow. For example: bus icon, Time to checkin
It is a simple page. It explains the user how this game/tool works. if there are more games/tools the get a similar layout.
The platform is looking good. We have now a design that all of us can work with. It is still not there. The story part is really important and that can make or break the flow of the platform. Our goal is in week 4 to make it 80% done and also ready to test with the target audience.