1. Meesterproef week 1 - TheKevSter35/meesterproef-1920 GitHub Wiki

Week 1

Debriefing (in dutch)

In een samenleving waar we veel gebruik maken van het digitale wereld. zijn we wel gewend om ons gegevens door te geven aan een bedrijf. denk bijvoorbeeld van een abonnement, Winkel of een account maken voor een webshop. Het gebruik van data en nieuwe technologieën is ook groot. het word gebruikt het het leven wat makkelijker te maken. Maar als we ons gegevens doorgeven wat wordt er mee gedaan? Amsterdammers met weinig tot geen digitale vaardigheden geven hun gemakkelijk hun data aan bedrijven maar hebben geen idee wat ze met hun gegevens kunnen doen.

Samen moet de opdrachtgevers: Ontwerplab OBA en ontwerpcollectief idiotēs. Gaan Team Toolbox aan de slag om binnen 5-6 weken een digitaal interactief product te ontwikkelen om Niet digitale vaardige Amsterdammers meer transpiratie te geven over hun data en waarvoor het gebruikt gaat/kan worden.

Resource tools



Phishing quiz Is a quiz to test if you can see if it is a phishing mail. By hovering on the link you can see if the is legit or not


  • It teaches you how to check link
  • is based on real apps/service (Gmail/dropbox)
  • you see if you are correct or incorrect


  • some are really hard and maybe to hard for a Computer illiterate
  • it only teaches you to check links but Phishing is more than that for example: texting.

Eerst checken dan klikken


Eerst checken dan klikken is a quiz from veiliginternet.nl it tests your knowledge for ran-software and phishing.


  • it's really simple to use.
  • If incorrect you can see why it is wrong.
  • it gives good tips for Computer illiterate example: write your passwords in a book.
  • Friendly result page (you can see you skill level in avatar form)


  • the multi-choose question have some bugs. If you selected all of them (for the first question is that correct) it still counts as wrong.
  • the IMG is all the same for each questions.

First concepts



With a quiz you help the user by improving his / her digital skills. Questions such as: Is this a good password. Or Can I use the same password?. It also tells you if your answer is correct/incorrect and why.



You follow a story of a Computer illiterate. You can choose his/her decisions for example: Henk receives an email where he can win an iPhone by clicking on the link what should he do?. If the user has chosen an incorrect answer, the user can see what can happen.

Privacy advice tool


With the Privacy advice tool we wanna show the user what company's know about them. For example a convenience stores bonus card. The user can give his/her opinion and give advice how to be more aware about your data.

Privacy calculator tool

With the Privacy calculator tool you can see how much your data is worth.

Feedback with our client

Based on the feedback from our client. We decide to go further with the Privacy advice tool

slides for 1st pitch


Computer illiterate is a very difficult but interesting target audience to build an app. As a team we found it difficult to think of a concept that help the user understand the use off there data and what company's knows about them. We created a demo with a created data set to show the user what is stored. But we were not happy with the idea. First: we don't have a data set from all the company's in Amsterdam so this is difficult if we make it a real product. Second: This doesn't improve there digital skills because that is the core idea of this project. So we decide to start over and brainstorm for a new idea.