Test admin CRUD - TheJosephChen/Chen-Joseph-webdev GitHub Wiki


  1. admin user exists
  2. ed user does not exist

Testing creation

  1. login as admin
  2. click on the admin link at the top-right corner of the home page
  3. click on the plus sign at the top-right of the user table
  4. enter ed into all four inputs and click Create User
  5. note that ed now appears in the user table

Testing reading

  1. login as admin
  2. click on the admin link at the top-right corner of the home page
  3. note that you can see the username and roles of all users
  4. click on the name of any user
  5. note that you can see the details of that user on their profile

Testing updating

  1. login as admin
  2. click on the admin link at the top-right corner of the home page
  3. click edit next to any user's name
  4. assign or delete any role from that user
  5. note that the assign/delete button appears/disappears based on which one was clicked
  6. click on the back button in the top-left corner
  7. note that the user you have changed the roles of has kept the changes you applied

Testing deleting

  1. login as admin
  2. click on the admin link at the top-right corner of the home page
  3. click delete next to any user's name
  4. note that the user no longer shows up on the table