User Stories Chessboard - TheIronYard--Orlando/FEE--2015--SPRING GitHub Wiki
A [Someone] can do [something] so that [Someone] can [some benefit].
As a Smurf, I can start a Game so that Smurfs can play Chess.
- Board with:
- 8 rows and 8 columns
- Pieces (x32) in a fixed starting position (research starting positions)
- 16x light pieces and 16x dark pieces, for each color:
- 8x pawn
- 2x rook
- 2x knight
- 2x bishop
- 1x queen
- 1x king
- 16x light pieces and 16x dark pieces, for each color:
As a Smurf, I can play a Game so that Smurfs can teach me Chess.
- 2x Players, one per color
- How do we choose the color for each Player?
- randomly assign a color to each Player?
- each Player can choose a color?
As a Smurf, I can move a Piece so that I can play my Turn.
- Piece is at some rank (8-1) and file (a-h), e.g. pawn at E7
- Piece moves to some new rank and file, e.g. E5
- What if I try to move to a piece that is occupied by an enemy?
- After my Turn, it becomes the other Player's Turn
As a Smurf, I can view the Board so that a Smurf can see what's happening.
- 8 rows and 8 columns of squares with alternating colors: light and dark
- only print Pieces that have not been captured in a previous Turn