Timeline Week 6 - TheIronYard--Orlando/FEE--2015--SPRING GitHub Wiki
Night of the Living Chessboard
- resurrect your own chessboard with
git checkout
- complete some moves
- use
, Board
, Piece
, Position
- due Weds!
BEAST MODE: calculate scores
The Colour Clock
- use
- convert time to decimal, decimal to hexadecimal
- set background to new color
Night of the Living Chessboard, Part 2
- refactor with Vue JS and Sass
Little Miss Sunshine
- use the forecast.io API
- build a weather station:
- current time (self-updating)
- current weather conditions
- 5-day forecast
BEAST MODE: get location from geolocation API
NIGHTMARE MODE: graph of temp changes maybe via Highcharts?
Github Revolution REMIX
- refactor with Hello JS
- provide
for username
- update page for
- default to
or logged-in user
BEAST MODE: implement log out feature
All Your Firebase Are Belong to Us
- read documentation for Firebase API
- download
Build Me Something Beautiful
- work in teams of 2
- combine at least 2 APIs
- don't count Firebase
- authenticate as necessary
- write User Stories, Data Model, Features, etc
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