Timeline Week 1 - TheIronYard--Orlando/FEE--2015--SPRING GitHub Wiki
Week 1 -- Github, C9, Basic HTML & CSS
Students should be competent at:
- Using Github to:
- Create and fork repositories
- Open, comment, and close Issues
- Submit, review, and close PRs
- Merge branches via the PR interface
- Using CLI git to:
- Create and checkout branches
- Check the status of their working tree
- Commit work selectively to the index
- Pushing local branches to remote
- Merge branches locally
- Using HTML & CSS to:
- Display basic textual content
- Convey semantic meaning of content
- Layout content accurately independent of viewport size
- Replicate an existing design in code (80%)
Students should be familiar with:
- Using Cloud 9 IDE to:
- author and edit code
- interact with git
- live preview work
- Using Chrome Developer Tools to:
- inspect and modify HTML and CSS
- extract URLs for images, fonts, etc
- add HTML, text, CSS properties and rules
I should build...
They should build...
- Their own MF'g Website:
with just headings, paragraph, and link tags
- individual HTML pages to represent posts
- placeholder text and images
- A clone of the Longform Tumblr theme:
- starting with HTML5 Boilerplate
- using semantic HTML containers
- using CSS to provide a liquid layout
- importing fonts from Google Fonts
- deployed to Github Pages
- Surf & Paddle (Liquid)
- starting with HTML5 Boilerplate
- using semantic HTML containers
- using a liquid layout approach