Timeline Bonus Topics - TheIronYard--Orlando/FEE--2015--SPRING GitHub Wiki
Bonus Topics
Earmarked for Weeks 9 & 10, these can be delivered by pretty much anyone: other TIY instructors, Mason, the TAs, community guests. They're broad topics that can be expounded upon extensively.
- How do animations work?
- Animations via JavaScript
- Animations via CSS
- Might need some vendor prefixes:
- CoffeeScript is not a Language Worth Learning by Ragan Wild (archived)
- List of Languages that Compile to JS by Jeremy Ashkenas et al (wiki)
- Notable Transpilers
- CoffeeScript | Literate CoffeeScript
- TypeScript
- LiteScript
- Babel JS (formerly 6to5)
- Google Traceur
- Mad Experiments
Documentaion Trumps All
- What is documentation? Why document?
- JSDoc
- Docco
- Literate Programming
Server-Side JavaScript (NodeJS)
- What is Node JS?
- What is "event-driven"...?
- What is "non-blocking I/O"...?
- Express JS / Connect
- Routes & Middleware
Modular JavaScript
- What is a module? Why modularize?
- Require JS & AMD
- Browserify & Watchify
- Duo JS