Java - TheG-Meister/pkc-mms-rando GitHub Wiki

pkc-mms-rando runs on Java versions 15 and above. Currently, Java binaries are not included within releases, so you'll have to grab it yourself.

Java Development Kits (JDKs)

A Java Development Kit (JDK) is generally used to develop programs in the Java language. However, it can still be used to run Java applications without any intentions of developing. pkc-mms-rando is developed using OpenJDK version 15, which can be downloaded as a pre-built installer or directly as binaries.

Pre-built OpenJDK installers

A pre-built installer will install the JDK on your system. This means you can run Java applications from a command line typing java. Select this type of JDK if you are unsure - it can always be uninstalled later.

Adoptium provides pre-built, open source installers.

  • Go to
  • Download the latest Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK installer
  • Run the installer to set up the JDK for your system

OpenJDK Binaries

Binaries come in a single folder and will sit wherever you put them on your computer without interfering with existing installed Java versions. However, you have to specify their path if you want to run a Java program from the command line, eg. openjdk-15.0.2\bin\java. These can be downloaded directly from Oracle.

  • Go to
  • Select the latest "Ready for use" release
  • Under "Builds", select the "Windows/x64 zip" download
  • Extract the zip somewhere on your file system