User Stories - TheDuckLord2/IntroToSELabGroup3 GitHub Wiki

                                                                      USER STORIES



                         ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?
                   LB.1 Buyer tries to make account    Required information is asked for and saved                     Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LB.2 Buyer tries to log in          Make sure info is in system and if does allow user in           Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LB.3 Buyer tries change information Info is changed within system                                   Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LB.4 Buyer tries do admin commands  Checks if Buyer is an admin. If not don't allow,                Planned for in 2.3, 2.2
                                                       if they are allow the action to be performed

                   LB.5 Buyer tries to delete account  Account is removed from system                                  Planned for in 3.1.3


                          ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?

                   SB.1 Buyer tries add to cart        Item added to cart                                              Planned for in 3.1.2

                   SB.2 Buyer tries remove from cart   Item removed from car                                           Planned for in 3.1.2

                   SB.3 Buyer tries search for item    Item is displayed if available or                               Planned for in 3.1.3
                                                       tell user item is not available

                   SB.4 Buyer tries to sort inventory  Sort in an effective way                                        Planned for in 2.2

                   SB.5 Buyer tries to buy out of      Tell Buyer item can not be added to cart                        NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED
                        stock item


                          ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?

                   CB.1 Buyer tries quick checkout     Information pulled and used                                    NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED

                   CB.2 Buyer tries checkout without   Either don’t allow, or get required information                NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED

                   CB.3 Buyer wants to pay             Get valid payment information                                  Planned for in 2.2
                   CB.4 Buyer wants to change          Update info in system                                          Planned for in 2.2
                        shipping information

                   CB.5 Buyer tries to checkout        Block the checkout until information provided                  NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED
                        without providing payment 



                         ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?

                   LA.1 Admin tries to make account   Required information is asked for and saved,                    Planned for in 3.1.3
                                                     receive verification from owner/admins

                   LA.2 Admin tries to log in         Make sure info is in system and if does allow user in           Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LA.3 Admin tries change            Info is changed within system                                   Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LA.4 Admin tries do admin commands Checks if user is an admin. If not don't allow,                 Planned for in 2.3, 2.2
                                                     if is do allow

                   LA.5 Admin tries to delete account Account is removed from system                                  Planned for in 3.1.3


                         ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?

                   IA.1 Add item to inventory         Item added to inventory                                         Planned for in 3.1.2

                   IA.2 Change Stock                  Stock amount changed                                            Planned for in 3.1.2

                   IA.3 Change Price                  Price changed                                                   NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED

                   IA.4 Change Name                   Item name changed                                               NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED

                   IA.5 Remove item from inventory    Item removed from inventory                                     Planned for in 3.1.2                                                        



                         ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?

                   LS.1 Seller tries to make account  Required information is asked for and saved,                    Planned for in 3.1.3
                                                      receive verification from owner/admins

                   LS.2 Seller tries to log in        Make sure info is in system and if does allow user in           Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LS.3 Seller tries change           Info is changed within system                                   Planned for in 3.1.3

                   LS.4 Seller tries do seller        Checks if user is a seller. If not don't allow,                 Planned for in 2.3, 2.2
                        commands                      if is do allow

                   LS.5 Seller tries to delete        Account is removed from system                                  Planned for in 3.1.3


                         ACTION                                WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN                                     REQUIREMENT MET?

                   IS.1 Add item to inventory         Item added to inventory                                         Planned for in 3.1.2

                   IS.2 Remove item from inventory    Item removed from inventory                                     Planned for in 3.1.2                                                        

                   IS.3 Change Stock                  Stock amount changed                                            Planned for in 3.1.2

                   IS.4 Change Price                  Price changed                                                   NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED

                   IS.5 Change Name                   Item name changed                                               NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED