How to upgrade and downgrade your wallet - TheDAO/DAO-1.0 GitHub Wiki
If you want to upgrade / downgrade MIST and avoid crazy bugs then
- Open MIST
- Accounts > Backup > Accounts (and make sure you copy for key from the "keystore" folder (UTC -- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Make sure you know your password too
- Now in MIST, do Accounts > Backup > Application Data (a folder will open)
- close MIST app (force quit if necessary)
- delete the Mist folder YouriMac/YourHardriveName/Users/YourUsername/Library/Application Support/Mist DO NOT DELETE the Ethereum folder here YouriMac/YourHardriveName/Users/YourUsername/Library/Ethereum
- Restart MIST from the ZIP file you downloaded
- Pray