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Welcome to the Arch-Linux-install-doc wiki!
The Idea was to simply try out a secure Arch Linux installation on a new Lenovo ThinkPad E495 for private use. Since I already set up an Arch Linux on a Dell Latitude with Full Disk Encryption (FDE) a few years ago, I wanted to recreate this installation and improve the level of security even further with SED (Self Encrypting Disk) and Secure Boot.
At first, one has to figure out what he needs, then what he wants and find the compromise that is closest to both.
In my own case this level of security is unnecessary and probably an absolute overkill. So why did I do it then? Because I can. It is something I am interested in and I have fun working at.
Everybody has his own understanding of sensitive information or data.
I wanted to try out how much security can be gained with reasonable effort.
This is no installation guide to follow blindly and I am not responsible for anything stupid happening to you, your machine or data!
Before you do anything written in this guide, consider to understand what you are doing.