ZapSpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

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spell-class: ".targeted.ZapSpell"

targeting cast argument values:

Value Supported
entity false
location true
entity_from_location false


A targeted spell that instantly breaks the block the caster is looking at.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
allowed-block-types A list of allowed block types to break. String List false
disallowed-block-types A list of block types not allowed to be broken. String List [bedrock, lava, water] false
str-cant-zap Message to send when the caster is unable to zap the targeted block. Rich Text true
drop-block Defines whether to drop the block or not. Boolean false true
drop-normal Defines whether to drop the normal type of that block. Boolean true true
check-plugins Alert other plugins of this change. Boolean true true
play-break-effect Whether to play the block break effect when cast. Boolean true true


    spell-class: ".targeted.ZapSpell"
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 1
    allowed-block-types: []
    disallowed-block-types: [air, bedrock]
    drop-block: false
    drop-normal: true
    check-plugins: true
    range: 15
        - mana 5
    str-cost: 5 mana
    str-cast-self: You zapped a block.
    str-cant-zap: You can't zap that.
    str-no-target: No target found.