TargetedMultiSpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

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This spell extends its options from Instant Spell.

spell-class: ".TargetedMultiSpell"

targeting cast argument values:

Value Supported
entity true
location true
entity_from_location true


Like the MultiSpell, this spell can cast multiple sub-spells, while keeping information about initial targets. By default, when cast without being passed targets, it targets the location on the caster's line of sight, but it can be configured otherwise.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
spells A list of sub-spells to cast, in order. You can delay spells individually using sub-spell cast modes, or alternatively you can also list DELAY <delayInTicks> to delay all subsequent spells by the specified delay. String List false
y-offset Modifies the height of the targeted location Float 0 true
point-blank Whether the spell should be centered on the player, or if it should be targeted. If this is true, the spell is centered on the casting player. If it's false, it will be centered at the targeted block. Boolean false true
stop-on-fail If this is true, the spell will stop executing spells if one of them fails. Boolean true true
require-entity-target Whether this spell requires the caster to target an entity. Boolean false true
cast-random-spell-instead Casts a random spell from the list instead of casting all the spells. Boolean false true


    spell-class: ".TargetedMultiSpell"
    cooldown: 10
        - mana 5
    str-cost: 5 mana
    stop-on-fail: false
    require-entity-target: false
        - lightning
        - DELAY 10
        - lightning
        - DELAY 10
        - lightning