StunSpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

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spell-class: ".targeted.StunSpell"

Spell Effect Positions:

  • orbit - Plays the effect on the target's location while the stun is active.
  • buff - Same as above.
  • buffeffectlib - Same as above, but it's highly recommended to be used for a position with EffectLib effects.

targeting cast argument values:

Value Supported
entity true
location false
entity_from_location false


A targeted spell that stuns the target both from moving and looking around.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports Expressions
duration Duration of the stun defined in server ticks. Integer 200 true
power-affects-duration Since 4.0 Beta 13. Boolean true true
interval Sets the interval of applying the stun, defined in server ticks. Integer 5 false
stun-monitor Defines if the stun spell should stun the target's monitor movement. Boolean true true
stun-body Defines if the stun spell should stun the target's body movement. Boolean true true
use-target-location Defines whether the target should be teleported to the location they were at when they were targeted (true) or if the location they moved from (false). Boolean true true


    spell-class: ".targeted.StunSpell"
    cast-item: stick
    duration: 120
    interval: 5
    str-cast-target: "%a has stunned you."
    str-cast-self: "You have stunned %t."