ReflectSpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki
spell-class: ".buff.ReflectSpell"
This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.
A buff spell that allows the entity to reflect spells.
Buff Uses:
Buff spell Uses increment whenever a spell targets the entity.
Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.
Option | Description | Type | Default | Supports expressions |
shield-breakers |
List of spells which ignore the spell | String List | false |
delayed-reflection-spells |
List of spells | String List | false |
reflected-spell-power-multiplier |
Power multiplier for the reflected spell | Float | 1 |
true |
constant-reflected-spell-power-multiplier |
Since 4.0 Beta 13. Defines expression evaluation behaviour. | Boolean | true |
true |
spell-power-affects-reflected-power |
Whether spell power should affect reflected spell power | Boolean | false |
true |
delayed-reflection-spells-use-payload-shield-breaker |
Boolean | true |
true |
spell-class: ".buff.ReflectSpell"
spell-icon: glass_pane
description: Reflect spells cast at you.
cooldown: 30
num-uses: 3
- mana 30
- mana 20
use-cost-interval: 1
str-cost: 30 mana, plus 20 mana per spell reflected
str-cast-self: You feel a magical barrier surround you.
str-cast-others: A magical barrier surrounds %a.
str-fade: Your magical barrier fades.