stop |
Since 4.0 Beta 13. When true, stops all trackers hit by the spell. |
Boolean |
false |
true |
circle-shape |
Since 4.0 Beta 13. When true, checks the hitbox in a cylinder area. |
Boolean |
false |
true |
affect-enemy-projectiles |
Since 4.0 Beta 13. Lets you affect enemy projectiles. |
Boolean |
true |
true |
affect-owned-projectiles |
Since 4.0 Beta 13. Lets you affect projectiles owned by you. |
Boolean |
true |
true |
cone |
If point-blank is set to true, which it is by default, this will make the AOE a cone instead of it being 360 degrees around the caster. Best way to explain it is that it works like the sweep attack on swords. Value is specified in degrees. |
Double |
0 |
true |
vertical-radius |
Vertical hit radius for the spell. |
Double |
5 |
true |
horizontal-radius |
Horizontal hit radius for the spell. |
Double |
10 |
true |
max-targets |
Max targets for the spell. |
Integer |
0 |
true |
point-blank |
While set to true, when cast the start location of the spell will be the caster's location. When it's set to false, the spell center will be the block the caster was pointing at while casting the spell. |
Boolean |
true |
true |
claim-projectiles |
Should only the projectiles owned by the caster be used? |
Boolean |
false |
true |
projectile-velocity |
Modifies the velocity (its current velocity is multiplied by the set amount). |
Float |
1 |
true |
projectile-acceleration |
Modifies projectile-acceleration . |
Integer |
0 |
true |
projectile-acceleration-delay |
Modifies projectile-acceleration-delay . |
Float |
0 |
true |
projectile-turn |
Modifies projectile-turn . |
Float |
0 |
true |
projectile-vert-gravity |
Modifies projectile-vert-gravity . |
Float |
0 |
true |
projectile-horiz-gravity |
Modifies projectile-horiz-gravity . |
Float |
0 |
true |
tick-interval |
Modifies tick-interval . |
Integer |
2 |
true |
spell-interval |
Modifies spell-interval . |
Integer |
20 |
true |
intermediate-effects |
Modifies intermediate-effects . |
Integer |
0 |
true |
special-effect-interval |
Modifies special-effect-interval . |
Integer |
1 |
true |
max-distance |
Modifies max-distance . |
Double |
15 |
true |
max-duration |
Modifies max-duration . |
Double |
0 |
true |
intermediate-hitboxes |
Modifies intermediate-hitboxes . |
Integer |
0 |
true |
tick-spell-limit |
Modifies tick-spell-limit . |
0 |
true |
max-entities-hit |
Modifies max-entities-hit . |
Integer |
0 |
hit-radius |
Modifies hit-radius . |
Float |
1.5 |
true |
vertical-hit-radius |
Modifies vertical-hit-radius . |
Float |
1.5 |
true |
ground-hit-radius |
Modifies ground-hit-radius . |
Integer |
1 |
true |
ground-vertical-hit-radius |
Modifies ground-vertical-hit-radius . |
Integer |
1 |
true |
hug-surface |
Modifies hug-surface . |
Boolean |
false |
true |
height-from-surface |
Modifies height-from-surface . |
Float |
0.6 |
true |
controllable |
Modifies controllable . |
Boolean |
false |
true |
hit-ground |
Modifies hit-ground . |
Boolean |
true |
true |
hit-air-at-end |
Modifies hit-air-at-end . |
Boolean |
false |
true |
hit-air-during |
Modifies hit-air-during . |
Boolean |
false |
true |
hit-air-after-duration |
Modifies hit-air-after-duration . |
Boolean |
false |
true |
stop-on-hit-ground |
Modifies stop-on-hit-ground . |
Boolean |
true |
true |
stop-on-modifier-fail |
Modifies stop-on-modifier-fail . |
Boolean |
true |
true |
spell |
Modifies spell . |
String |
false |
spell-on-hit-air |
Modifies spell-on-hit-air . |
String |
false |
spell-on-hit-self |
Modifies spell-on-hit-self . |
String |
false |
spell-on-tick |
Modifies spell-on-tick . |
String |
false |
spell-on-hit-ground |
Modifies spell-on-hit-ground . |
String |
false |
spell-on-hit-entity |
Modifies spell-on-hit-entity . |
String |
false |
spell-on-duration-end |
Modifies spell-on-duration-end . |
String |
false |
spell-on-modifier-fail |
Modifies spell-on-modifier-fail . |
String |
false |
spell-on-entity-location |
Modifies spell-on-entity-location . |
String |
false |
projectile-modifiers |
Modifies projectile-modifiers . |
String List |
false |