ParseSpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

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spell-class: ".targeted.ParseSpell"

targeting cast argument values:

Value Supported
entity true
location false
entity_from_location false


This spell is used to edit a string variable.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 these options support dynamic values through string expressions.

Option Description Type Default
operation Valid operations: translate (normal), difference, append, and regex (regexp) String "normal"
parse-to-variable Variable to store the result in after the operation is complete. String


This mode changes the variable value to a new value if the expected-value matches the current value of variable-to-parse.

Option Description Type
variable-to-parse Variable to check. String
expected-value A string, but "any" can be used as a wildcard. String


This mode checks the difference between two variables and stores the result.

Option Description Type
first-variable First variable to check against. String
second-variable Second. String


This mode first checks if the expected-value matches the current value of variable-to-parse. If it does, it appends parse-to onto the value of variable-to-parse, and stores this new value string.

Option Description Type
expected-value A string, but "any" can be used as a wildcard. String
variable-to-parse Variable to check. String
parse-to The value to append. String


This mode can store returned matched text or do text replacement.

Option Description Type
variable-to-parse Variable value to match or perform replacements on. String
expected-value A regex object (in string format). Use this for help: String
parse-to If this value is specified, it will be used as the replacement text for the first thing that is matched. If it's empty, the result will instead be all the matched text. String

Example of the "normal" operation:

    spell-class: ".targeted.ParseSpell"
    target-self: true
    # operation - normal (default)
    variable-to-parse: Greeting
    expected-value:  Hello
    parse-to-variable: Greeting
    parse-to: Goodbye