LifewalkSpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

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spell-class: ".buff.LifewalkSpell"


This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.


A buff spell that causes flowers and shrubbery to grow where you walk.

Buff Uses:

Buff spell Uses increment on tick-interval.


Option Description Type Default
tick-interval How often, in ticks, the spell should update the caster's position to attempt to place more flowers and shrubs. Integer 15
blocks List of materials (may be lowercase) to spawn. Must be listed with the format material chance, where chance is an integer from 0-100. String List [tall_grass 25, fern 20, poppy 15, dandelion 10, oak_sapling 5]


    spell-class: ".buff.LifewalkSpell"
    description: Flowers grow in your footsteps!
    cast-item: book
    tick-interval: 15
        - dandelion 25
        - poppy 50
        - mana 25
        - poppy 1
        - dandelion 1
        - dandelion 1
    use-cost-interval: 25
    str-cost: 25 mana, 1 poppy, 1 dandelion, plus 1 flower every so often
    str-cast-self: Flowers grow in your footsteps!
    str-cast-others: Flowers grow in %a's footsteps!
    str-fade: Flowers no longer grow in your footsteps.