InvulnerabilitySpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

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spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"


This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.


A buff spell that makes the entity invincible against the specified damage types.

Buff Uses:

Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity receives damage.


Option Description Type
damage-causes A list of damage causes to make the caster invulnerable. If left blank, all damage causes will be blocked. You may use spaces or dashes (-) instead of underscores (_).

Since 4.0 Beta 17 this option has been deprecated in favour of damage-types.
DamageCause List
damage-types Since 4.0 Beta 17. If left blank, all types will be blocked. List of Damage Types or Damage Type Tags (prepend with #)
spell-damage-causes A list of custom spell damage types caused by damage spells to make the caster invulnerable. Add * to block all spell damage. String List


    spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"
    description: Makes you invulnerable to environmental damage.
    toggle: false
        - block explosion
        - contact
        - drowning
        - fall
        - fire
        - lava
        - lightning
        - suffocation
    duration: 60
    cooldown: 300
        - mana 30
        - mana 15
    use-cost-interval: 5
    str-cost: 30 mana, plus 15 mana when taking damage

    spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"
    description: Makes you invulnerable to everything.
    toggle: false
    duration: 5
    cooldown: 20
        - mana 80
    str-cost: 80 mana
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