InvisibilitySpell - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

Source Code

spell-class: ".buff.InvisibilitySpell"


Before 4.0 Beta 14 this spell can only be cast by/on players.


A buff spell that makes the player (or any living entity since 4.0 Beta 14) completely invisible to all entities.

Buff Uses:

The buff spell doesn't have Uses.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default
prevent-pickups Stop the caster from picking up any items while vanishing. Boolean true
mob-radius If any creature is within the radius and targets you, its target is set to null Double 30


    spell-class: ".buff.InvisibilitySpell"
    permission-name: assassin
    cooldown: 12
        - mana 25
        - mana 5
    use-cost-interval: 1
    str-cost: 25 mana, plus 5 mana per second
    toggle: true
    prevent-pickups: true
    cancel-on-give-damage: true
    cancel-on-take-damage: true
    cancel-on-logout: true
    cancel-on-spell-cast: true
    str-cast-self: "You vanish!"
    str-cast-others: "%a vanishes!"
    str-fade: "&7You are visible again."