EffectLib Tornado - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

Source Code

class: Tornado


This effect creates a swirling tornado of particles.



Option Default
type "repeating"
period 5
iterations 20


Option Description Type Default
tornadoParticle Tornado particle. Particle "flame"
sphereColor Tornado color. Color
cloudParticle Particle of the cloud. Particle "cloud"
cloudColor Color of the cloud. Color
cloudSpeed Float 0
cloudSize Size of the cloud. Float 2.5
yOffset Y-Offset from location. Double 0.8
tornadoHeight Height of the Tornado. Float 5
maxTornadoRadius Max radius of the Tornado. Float 5
showCloud Defines if the cloud should appear. Boolean true
showTornado Defines if the tornado should appear. Boolean true
distance Distance between each row. Double 0.375
circleParticles Number of particles per circle. Integer 64
cloudParticles Number of particles in the cloud. Integer 100
circleHeight Amount of y-jitter between circle particles. Double 0