EffectLib Cylinder - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

Source Code

class: Cylinder


This effect creates a cylinder that can either be hollow or solid.



Option Default
type "repeating"
particle "flame"
period 2
iterations 200


Option Description Type Default
radius Radius of the cylinder. Float 1
height Height of the cylinder. Float 3
angularVelocityX Turns the cylinder by this angle each iteration around the x-axis. Double PI / 200
angularVelocityY Turns the cylinder by this angle each iteration around the y-axis. Double PI / 170
angularVelocityZ Turns the cylinder by this angle each iteration around the z-axis. Double PI / 155
rotationX/rotationY/rotationZ The rotation of the effect along its axis. Double 0
particles The number of particles displayed in each row. Integer 100
enableRotation Whether or not the cylinder should rotate. Boolean true
solid Whether only the cylinder should be solid or not. Boolean true
orient Whether the effect should orient in the direction of the source location. Boolean false


    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
        position: caster
        effect: effectlib 
            class: CylinderEffect
            particle: FLAME
            particles: 100
            radius: 1
            height: 3
            angularVelocityX: 0.015708
            angularVelocityY: 0.015708
            angularVelocityZ: 0.015708
            enableRotation: true
            solid: true
            orient: false
            type: REPEATING
            period: 2
            iterations: 200