Changelog Testers - TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells GitHub Wiki

[!NOTE] 4.0 Beta 17 has been tested on 1.21.4.


  • Lowered the default value of the buff-check-interval option in general.yml from 100 to 1.
  • The duration option of buff spells now supports variable replacement.
  • In the last tester build, buff spells were switched to being fully tracked using real-time. This change has been reverted. This behavior can be re-enabled using the real-time-duration option, listed below.
  • Non-players can now activate the equip and unequip passive triggers.


  • Added the real-time-duration option to buff spells. Defaults to false. When true, duration is tracked using real time, instead of ticks. As such, lag will not impact the duration of the buff spell.


  • Fixed an issue with DamageSpell that caused the credit-caster option to function properly.
  • Fixed an issue with defaults.yml that caused certain options to fail to inherit default values.
  • Fixed an issue with string expressions and rounding in placeholders that supports specifying precision.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented buff spells with toggle: false from properly re-applying.
  • Fixed an issue where orbit and buff spell effects stopped playing after player death even if the buff remained active. It will now resume after respawn.
  • Fixed issues with LoopSpell:
    • If the target was a dead Player, the loop used to end instead of pausing.
    • If there was no target, the Loop didn't check if the caster was dead to cancel the loop or pause it if the caster was a Player.
    • If the Loop was cast without a caster, some errors used to be thrown under some circumstances.
  • UnbindSpell no longer reloads the spellbook (which removes all active buffs of the target) when cast to unbind all spells of an item (/c (unbind) *).