Fast Passes and Queues - TheClowner/ccRides-Support GitHub Wiki

Fast Passes and Queues

Added in v1.4.0

Fast Passes and Fast Queues allow you to give some players priority to join rides. The feature is disabled by default.

If a player has fast passes, they will be added to a separate 'fast queue' on rides, rather than waiting in the normal queue. Every queue they join uses up one fast pass. The fast queue will then be given priority once the ride is ready to accept more riders.

Passes can only be given by commands, or with an unlimited permission.


The FastPass and FastQueue features can be enabled in ccRides' main config.yml by setting Rides.Operation.Queue.enableFastQueue to true

    # Options for ride queues
      # Enable or disable queues completely
      enable: true
      # Enable the fast Queues - players who have 'fastPasses' will be able to join rides faster.
      # FastPasses are unlimited for players with 'ccrides.fastpass.unlimited' permission
      enableFastQueue: false
      # For every x players in the fast queue, how many do we let in from the normal queue
      # The default (3 fast, 1 normal) means one rider is let in from the normal queue for every three in the fast queue.
      fastPriority: 3
      normalPriority: 1

Queue Priority

The fastPriority and normalPriority values control the queue behaviour when there are players in both the fast and normal queues. When checking the queue, players from both queues will be put onto the ride, in the ratio defined by these priorities.

The default settings of fastPriority: 3 and normalPriority: 1 means that for every 3 players in the fast queue, 1 player from the normal queue is also admitted. If you want the entire fast queue to be added before the normal, set normalPriority to 0.

Commands & Permissions

Command aliases: /fastpass /ccpass /ridepass


Permission: ccrides.fastpass
Show your current number of fastpasses.

/fastpass bal <name>

Permission: ccrides.fastpass.admin
See a player's current number of fastpasses. The player must be online.

/fastpass set <name> <amount>

Permission ccrides.fastpass.admin
Set a player's fastpasses. Note: This does not override unlimited pass permission

/fastpass add <name> <amount>

Permission ccrides.fastpass.admin
Give a player fastpasses. Note: This does not override unlimited pass permission

/fastpass take <name> <amount>

Permission ccrides.fastpass.admin
Take a player's fastpasses. Note: This does not override unlimited pass permission

Unlimited Fastpasses

Any user with the permission ccrides.fastpass.unlimited will have unlimited fastpasses.


You can get a player's number of passes, as well as the length of each of the ride queues with the PlaceholderAPI placeholders below:

%ccRides_fastPasses% The number of fastpasses a player has. Shows 'Unlimited' if they have ccrides.fastpass.unlimited permission.
%ccRides_[rideID]_numQueue% The combined length of both the fast and normal queues for the given ride.
%ccRides_[rideID]_fastQueue% The length of the fast queue for the given ride.
%ccRides_[rideID]_normalQueue% The length of the normal queue for the given ride.

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