Commands - TheCallunxz/Left2Mine GitHub Wiki


/left2mine start [survival] [difficulty]

  • This command starts the game. It will teleport all players to the player spawn or survival spawn depending on the gamemode and start the game. The first argument is either included or it is not, it determines whether a survival game is played or a coop game. The second argument determines the difficulty of the game from 0-3 or "Easy","Normal","Hard","Expert".

/left2mine stop

  • This command force stops the game. It will end the game and teleport all players back to the world spawn.

/left2mine win

  • This command will trigger a win of the game. The game will end and the credits will be displayed showing the performance of all players. The players will be teleported back to the world spawn.

/left2mine panicstart [no. of waves] [delay]

  • This command will start a panic event. The first argument is the number of waves to spawn before the panic event ends. If this is set to -1 the panic event will never end until it is forced to end. The second argument is the delay before the first wave of enemies spawn, this is in ticks. 20 ticks is 1 second. If there is a delay the director will be automatically enabled after the delay if it was previously disabled.

/left2mine panicstop

  • This command will stop a panic event.

/left2mine clearsurvival

  • This command will clear the survival record which is currently held. This is particularly useful for map makers who are wanting to release their map without a current record which they set.

/left2mine tipcreate

  • This command creates a 'tip' which is used to relay information to the player in the form of floating text. The first 3 arguments are the coordinates of the tip. The fourth argument is the number of ticks the tip is displayed for, 20 ticks is 1 second. If the amount of ticks is set to -1 the tip will never vanish until it is removed manually. The fifth argument is message to be displayed. Type ';;' for a new line.

/left2mine tipremove

  • This command removes a 'tip' from a certain position in the world. The first 3 arguments are the coordinates of the tip.

/left2mine director <spawn|enable|disable> [horde|hunter|smoker|boomer|tank|tankangry|witch|special|boss]

  • This command allows for fine tuning of the AI director and can be used to create interesting and unique scenarios for your map! The first argument can be either spawn, enable or disable. Disable will disable the director while enable will re-enable the director.
  • Disabling the director stops the director from spawning any bosses, special infected or hordes without the player manually spawning them.
  • Setting the first argument as spawn will allow you to decide what you want the director to spawn, the director will spawn whatever you choose even if it is disabled. When the director is disabled it will still spawn enemies it just requires the player to decide what is spawned.
  • For instance you can disable the director and spawn 'tankangry' 8 times to spawn 8 angry tanks which will chase the player down but nothing else because the director is disabled and won't spawn its own stuff. Most of the spawn tags are self explanatory but there are a few which are not:
    • 'tankangry' will spawn a tank which is already aggressive and will chase the player down while 'tank' will spawn a tank which is not yet angry and will wait to see the player before attacking.
    • 'special' and 'boss' will spawn a random special infected and a random boss infected respectively.
    • 'witch', 'tank' and 'boss' (but not 'tankangry'), will all spawn on the next available boss spawn while the rest will spawn on a nearby horde spawn.
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