Home - The-Riddler/CCKernel GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the CCKernel wiki!

##Preamble The original kernel was designed more as a "proof of concept" more than a actual released piece of code. However it just sort of grew from a POC into something I really wanted to continue and enjoy creating. Now that it has gotten as far as it has I decided to put it here so people can use it and see what they think. As it was never made to be more than a POC some parts (notably the process manager) are not very tidy and things are not necessarily done in the most efficient method possible, it is a section of code I am actively trying to prettify so be patient.

##Purpose The kernel was designed to create a whole new level of functionality on top of the default system. As such it's designed to not overwrite any of the default functions. As a result as soon as the kernels life-span ends and it is unloaded there is no trace left in the global table that it even existed.

##Pieces of the puzzle The kernel is made of different sections organised into two classes, bases and modules. Bases are core elements of the kernel, they are loaded at boot-time and persist throughout the life of the kernel #Bases


  • trash
  • xorcipher
  • (needs converted/tested/incomplete)
    • debug
    • monitor
    • util
    • net
    • serial

##Running the kernel Running the kernel is easy, simply put the files from the repository in a directory and run boot.lua like so. boot.lua -root <path to files>. For example I like to put the files in /boot so I would change my directory to /boot and run boot.lua -root /boot/.

##Errors I'm more than happy to look at any issues you are having but please follow the guidelines [here](wiki/Reporting issues)