PyGame Documentation - The-Charge/PowerUp2018 GitHub Wiki
The 2018 Power Up pygame can be used to create entirly custom auton paths to write to the robot. This wiki page will describe: how to use pygame to create a custom auton paths, and how to send the paths to the robot.
Using Pygame Install Python: Python Download
Install the pygame library:
- Click the windows button - search for "cmd"
- Right click and select "Run as administrator"
- Type "pip install pygame"
- Done!
Instructions for PowerUpBot2018 Auton Tool (aka pygame)
Since the positions of the alliance's switch and scales are randomized at the start of the match, this tool allows you to draw out a path that the robot will take for each of the four possible outcomes. The program will write instructions to a file, which will be read by the roboRIO on the robot to generate a series of commands during the autonomous period.
Left click anywhere on the field to move the robot. It will automatically turn and move the robot to the cursor's position, as long as there is nothing in the way.
Right click anywhere on the screen to delete your last action.
Doesn't work with cloning paths
These buttons will switch the path you are currently working on. The first letter represents your switch position, and the second represents you scale position. Both the switch and the scale are highlighted on the screen to show which mode you are currently in.
Switching branches doesn't delete anything - everything is saved separately
This will allow you to copy the current path onto another. Click it to enable CLONE mode, then click on the branch you want to copy to. You can click CLONE again to stop without copying a path.
TO ALL will copy the current path to all other paths.
Don't accidentally click this if you don't want to If you want to clear all paths, it's recommended that you delete everything you can in one path down to the initial position, click TO ALL make all paths only have the initial position, then delete once more
Write instructions to a file for the robot to read, as well as print out a description of the path the robot will take for each of the four switch/scale positions
Make sure this is clicked after all other changes are made
Drive To Current will make the robot move forwards until it hits something. You must have already raised the elevator into position before using DTC, and won't be able to click it until doing so. This is used to drive up to the switch or scale to ensure the robot is in contact with it before dropping a cube. There are two ways to call the DriveToCurrent command: one relatively fast, and one slower. Which one is used depends on which position the elevator is in. If it is raised all the way up, it will move slowly so the elevator will hit the scale gently before stopping. If it is only raised to the switch position, it will move forward more quickly.
Make sure this is used before dropping a cube into the switch or scale
Raises the elevator in position to drop a cube into the SWITCH.
Raises the elevator in position to drop a cube into the SCALE.
Note about SWITCH and SCALE: Elevator position commands are done "in parallel". This means it will execute at the same time as the command after it. Ideally, the elevator should be raised while moving forward, so when drawing the path, make sure you click SWITCH or SCALE, then move the robot into position.
Pauses the program to take in a keboard input. Type in the number of seconds that you want the robot to wait for at its current position. Press enter to add the command. If you want to leave this mode without adding a pause, press ESC or click WAIT again.
Runs the cube collector backward to launch the cube out. Can only be used if the elevator is in position (after SWITCH or SCALE has been clicked)
Enables driving backwards when clicking to move the robot. Particularly useful when backing up after dropping a cube in the switch or scale.
SAMPLE RUN - left switch and move forward
*click on field below alliance switch
Places robot on starting line facing the switch
Robot raises elevator to switch position
*click close to the switch
Robot moves forward to area near switch
Robot moves forward until it hits the switch
Robot drops cube into switch
Toggle reverse mode on
*click on field behind robot
Robot backs up to cursor position
Toggle reverse mode off
*click on field to left of robot
Robot turns 90deg left and moves forward to cursor position
*click far end of field
Robot turns 90deg right (to 0 deg absolute) and moves forward to cursor position
Sending Paths to the RoboRio
FileZilla Download
To upload the paths to the RoboRio over the network, we will need a 3rd party program called FileZilla. Here is the setup executable:- Connect to the Robot Rio:
- Enter the mDNS name (roboRIO-2619-frc.local) in the "Host" box
- Enter "lvuser" in the Username box (this is the account your program runs under)
- Leave the Password box blank
- Enter "22" in the port box (the SFTP default port)
- Click Quickconnect
- Navigate to the correct folder:
- Navigate to home\lvuser using the menu on the right
- Delete the old text files (You may skip this step if no text files exist):
- Select the four text files
- Right click and press delete
- Click yes
- Upload the new text files:
- Drag the files from a folder on your computer to the home\lvuser folder
- Click the disconnect button near the top ().