SAS0401 - The-Balthazar/BrewLAN GitHub Wiki

"Deluge Class": Experimental Battlecruiser

Deluge Class
Experimental Battlecruiser
Source: BrewLAN: Tea Party
Unit ID: sas0401
Faction: Aeon
Tech level: 4 (Experimental)
Health: 17150 (+5/s)
Armour: Experimental
Shield health: 27000 (+280/s)
Shield radius: 0.065 (1 m)
Energy cost: 337025
Mass cost: 18650
Build time: 8000 (Details)
Maintenance cost: 1266/s
Vision radius: 50 (1 km)
Water vision radius: 50 (1 km)
Radar radius: 150 (3 km)
Sonar radius: 250 (5 km)
Motion type: RULEUMT_Water
Movement speed: 5.8 (116 m/s)
Weapons: 10 (Details)

"Deluge Class" is an Aeon naval unit included in BrewLAN: Tea Party. It is classified as a experimental battlecruiser unit. The build description for this unit is:

Experimental dreadnought-type battlecruiser. Features light armor for increased movement speed, with personal shields and anti-torpedo weapons for defenses. Offensively armed with Oblivion cannons, shield disruption cannons, anti-air missiles, and a secondary fragmentation artillery.
  1. โ€“ Abilities
  2. โ€“ Construction
  3. โ€“ Order capabilities
  4. โ€“ Weapons
  5. โ€“ Veteran levels
  6. โ€“ Videos
  7. โ€“ Trivia


Hover over abilities to see effect descriptions.

  • Radar
  • Sonar
  • Personal Shield
  • Torpedo Defense


Build times from the Steam/retail version of the game:

Order capabilities

The following orders can be issued to the unit:


Oblivion Cannon (ร—3)

Note: Stats are per instance of the weapon.
Target type: RULEWTT_Unit
Projectile: ADFOblivionCannon02
DPS estimate: 400 (?)
Damage: 1000 (?)
Damage radius: 2 (40 m)
Damage type: Normal
Max range: 80 (1.6 km)
Firing arc: 160ยฐ, 300ยฐ, 310ยฐ
Firing cycle: Once every 2.5s (?)
Rapid-Fire Artillery Cannon

Target type: RULEWTT_Unit
Projectile: AIFFragmentationSensorShell01
DPS estimate: 873 (?)
Damage: 220 (?)
Damage radius: 2 (40 m)
Damage instances: 25 fragments
Damage type: Normal
Max range: 500 (10 km)
Min range: 80 (1.6 km)
Firing cycle: Once every 6.3s (?)
Firing cost: 15000 (7500/s for 2s)
Flags: Artillery shield blocks
Zealot AA Missile (ร—2)

Note: Stats are per instance of the weapon.
Target type: RULEWTT_Unit
Projectile: AAAZealotMissile01
DPS estimate: 375 (?)
Damage: 375 (?)
Damage type: Normal
Max range: 75 (1.5 km)
Firing arc: 40ยฐ
Firing cycle: Once every 1.0s (?)
Shield Disruptor Cannon (ร—2)

Note: Stats are per instance of the weapon.
Target type: RULEWTT_Unit
Projectile: ADFShieldDisruptor01
DPS estimate: 3 (?)
Damage: 5 (?)
Damage to shields: 1300
Damage radius: 0
Damage type: Normal
Max range: 80 (1.6 km)
Firing arc: 310ยฐ, 160ยฐ
Firing cycle: Once every 2.0s (?)
Quasar Anti-Torpedo (ร—2)

Note: Stats are per instance of the weapon.
Target type: RULEWTT_Projectile
Projectile: AIMAntiTorpedo02
Damage: 3 (?)
Damage type: Normal
Max range: 45 (0.9 km)
Min range: 15 (300 m)
Firing cycle: Once every 3.8s (?)

Veteran levels

Note: Each veteran level buff replaces the previous by default; values are shown here as written.

  1. 32 kills gives: +1715 (+10/s)
  2. 64 kills gives: +3430 (+20/s)
  3. 96 kills gives: +5145 (+30/s)
  4. 128 kills gives: +6860 (+40/s)
  5. 160 kills gives: +8575 (+50/s)




  • "Deluge Class" was a commissioned unit.
  • The weapon layout of the Deluge Class is asymmetrical, the orientation of said weapons alternating with each one built.
  • The first two built in any given game will have the unique names 'Scylla' and 'Charybdis'.
  • If 69 Deluge Class ships are built in a given game, the 69th will be naked and have the unique name 'Indulge Class'.
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