SAA0308 - The-Balthazar/BrewLAN GitHub Wiki

"Ishtar": Tech 3 Heavy Saturation Bomber

Tech 3 Heavy Saturation Bomber
Source: BrewLAN: Penetration
Unit ID: saa0308
Faction: Aeon
Tech level: 3
Health: 3800
Armour: Light
Energy cost: 160000
Mass cost: 2400
Build time: 9600 (Details)
Vision radius: 32 (0.64 km)
Water vision radius: 10 (200 m)
Motion type: RULEUMT_Air
Movement speed: 13.6 (272 m/s)
Fuel: 16:40
Elevation: 20
Transport class: Large
Weapons: 2 (Details)
Wreckage: 3420

"Ishtar" is an Aeon aircraft unit included in BrewLAN: Penetration. It is classified as a tech 3 heavy saturation bomber unit. The build description for this unit is:

Obliteration bomber. Inflicts large damage over a large area.
  1. โ€“ Construction
  2. โ€“ Order capabilities
  3. โ€“ Weapons
  4. โ€“ Veteran levels
  5. โ€“ Gallery
  6. โ€“ Trivia


Build times from the Steam/retail version of the game:

Order capabilities

The following orders can be issued to the unit:


Quark Carpet Bomb

Target type: RULEWTT_Unit
Projectile: AIFBombGraviton01
DPS estimate: 1674 (?)
Damage: 465 (?)
Damage radius: 2 (40 m)
Damage instances: 18 projectiles
Damage type: Normal
Max range: 90 (1.8 km)
Firing cycle: Once every 5.0s (?)
Flags: Damage friendly
Air Crash

Damage: 500
Damage radius: 1 (20 m)
Damage type: Normal
Flags: Damage friendly

Veteran levels

Note: Each veteran level buff replaces the previous by default; values are shown here as written.

  1. 15 kills gives: +380 (+3/s)
  2. 30 kills gives: +760 (+6/s)
  3. 45 kills gives: +1140 (+9/s)
  4. 60 kills gives: +1520 (+12/s)
  5. 75 kills gives: +1900 (+15/s)



  • "Ishtar" is named after the Assyrian goddess of love, war, and fertility. Equivalent to the Greco-Roman goddesses Aphrodite and Venus.
  • Delevopment on what would become "Ishtar" started at the start of June 2022, but wasn't resumed until the end of the following September, because the first design was bad and looked like a sliced pear.
Categories : AEON ยท TECH3 ยท MOBILE ยท AIR ยท BOMBER
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