How to publish content to the site - The-Balance-FFXIV/balance-static GitHub Wiki

Once you've spoken to Nono to get access to the organization on GitHub (you will need to check your email in order to gain access), the admin interface is rather straightforward to use. This page will gave a step-by-step on how to use the interface, providing pictures where available.

  1. Sign in to the admin interface here.

  2. Click on the section your guide will belong to on the left-hand navigation bar, then click "New" in the top right of the panel to start a post.

Choosing your section and beginning a post

  1. The editor itself is pretty self-explanatory -- your content goes on the left, with the title at the top. The right-side of the editing page will show a preview of the content before you publish it so that you can see a rough idea of what your content will look like ahead of time.

Markdown that you can use for the pages can be found here.

  1. Once you're happy with your page, click on the save button in the top left.

Save button

This will change the top of your toolbar. Most importantly, the top right will now offer these options:

Status submenu

If the guide is in review by others, or has been posted in the thread under the website channel for review, you can move the guide into the "In review" status. This will also allow others viewing the workflow tab to see this and also review the content, if they would like. Once this is done and the content is ready, you can move this to the "Ready" status.

  1. Once the content is in the "Ready" status and has been edited properly, you can access the publish menu in the top right to publish to the site using the "Publish now" option, as shown here:

Publish menu

Once you do this, you're done! The content should be live on the site shortly thereafter.

The workflow page showing the status of all content on the site can be accessed here, for those with access, and shows the state of content in the works on the site. This interface should look something like the following:

Editing workflow interface