Music - Thargoid/pioneer GitHub Wiki

Music files should be placed in a subdirectory of data/music/. They must be in .ogg format, sampled at 44100 or 22050 Hz.

Music in core/ will be played by the default player script, modules/MusicPlayer.lua. Mission or per-system scripts should add their own music to a separate sub-directory.

Music in core/ is selected based on game events. When a particular game event occurs a song is chosen at random from the appropriate subdir. The subdirs are as follows:

  • space: ambient music, played while flying in space. When music for a specific event finishes the player will start a song from this category. This is also the fallback category if any category subdir has no songs in it.

  • near-planet, near-spacestation: ambient music specific to planets and orbital stations. The player will play something from one of these categories if ambient music is requested and the player is near a planet or station.

  • docked: played when the player docks (ie as the station menu appears)

  • undocked: played when the player undocks (ie when the request launch)

  • ship-nearby, ship-firing: played when the player's alert state changes because a ship is nearby (within 100km) or starts firing. Note that the presence of a ship (even a firing ship) does not necessarily mean the ship is hostile and the player is (about to be) in combat.

  • ship-destroyed: played with the player destroys a ship

  • player-destroyed: played when the player is destroyed. Will continue to play over the "tombstone" screen.