configuration - Th3Shadowbroker/OuroborosMines GitHub Wiki

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This page describes OMs configuration file. When opening the config file for the first time, you might have recognized the header of the configuration file is starting with something like # OuroborosMinesv1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. This is just an information on the version of OM that generated the configuration file.


Key: default

Description: When true every region will be handled as mine unless defined otherwise. This options is not recommended for the most cases and might affect the servers performance, as OM has to process every block change in detail.



Key: chat.prefix

Description: This option defines the prefix used in player messages.


Key: chat.messages

Description: This key contains the message templates used by the plugin.


consoleOnly: "&cThis command can not be executed from console!"
unrecognizedArgument: "&cUnrecognized argument"
regionCustomize: "&2A new configuration file for &b%region%&2 has been created!"
regionAlreadyCustomized: "&cThere's already a configuration file for this region!"
regionNotFound: "&cNo region found at your position!"
reloadingConfig: "&2Reloading configuration..."
reloadingRegionConfigurations: "&2Reloading region-configurations..."
reloadedRegionConfigurations: "&2Loaded %count% region-specific configurations"
depositDiscovered: "&2You've discovered a %size% &e%material%&2 deposit!"
      small: "small"
      medium: "medium"
      large: "large"
      opening: "&2The mines are open!"
      closing: "&cThe mines are now closed. Come back tomorrow!"
minesClosed: "&cThe mines are closed come back later."
error: "&cAn error occurred: %error%"


Key: materials

The materials section contains the definitions of mineable materials. These definitions are structured as follows:

stone: <-- The key represents the mined material.
  replacements: <-- The replacements-list contains every material that will could replace the mined material.
    -cobblestone_block <-- In this case stone can be replaced with cobblestone-blocks.
  cooldown: 10 <-- The cooldown (in seconds) defines the time for the mined block to respawn.

by default the configuration looks like this:

      - cobblestone
    cooldown: 10

      - stone
    cooldown: 20

      - stone
    cooldown: 30

      - stone
    cooldown:  40

      - stone
    cooldown: 50

      - stone
    cooldown: 120

Adding custom blocks using ItemsAdder

OuroborosMines supports ItemsAdder. You can setup custom blocks with ease as shown in the example below:

itemsadder:aqua_aura_ore: <-- Material name prefixed by the material's namespace
      - air
    cooldown: 5

As you can see, a namespace has been added which allows OuroborosMines to identify the material as custom. Now you can start mining custom blocks!

Additional customizations

Auto pickup

Auto pickup is a global feature that was added with the clan-update (1.7.0). When set to true, all items a player gathers will be directly transferred to the inventory. However, if the players' inventory is full, the mined blocks will drop as usual. For obvious reasons this feature is set globally in the config.yml file and applies to all mines.

The following feature is only available in the 1.9.3 dev build and has not been implemented into any releases yet:

If you want to apply autoPickup to specific players only, you can give them a specific permission.

Auto pickup in config.yml

autoPickup: false

Randomizing cooldowns:

Cooldowns can be randomized. Just use a range as cooldown. A cooldown with the value of "10-60" will generate a random cooldown between ten and 60 seconds.

Rich deposits:

To make mining even more interesting it is possible to give regular ores a small chance to replace themselves withtheir own material. You can do so by adding the rich-chance and rich-amount property to a material defined in the configuration. The property rich-chance accepts doubles as type, which means you're allowed to use frictional digits. The property rich-amount accepts ranges, as well as single numbers as value with the first one being the minimum and the second one as maximum. If only one number is given, it will be used as fixed amount. This is an example on how to use both of these customizations:

      - stone
    cooldown: 30-45
    rich-chance: 5
    rich-amount: 2-4

This exmaple shows a gold-ore configuration with a cooldown between 30 and 45 seconds and a chance of 5% of getting replaced by its original material with an amount of 2-4 meaning it can be mined betwenn two and four times, before it's respawning.

Play effects

If you want to add effects to improve your server's user experience, you can use the effects section in the configuration. This section is not required an therefore will not be patched into the confiuration file if you used an older version than 1.3.0 before.

The effects section is structured as follows:

    sound: entity_player_levelup
    sound-volume: 1
    sound-pitch: 0

The example above shows a configuration for the deposit_discovered event that plays the entity_player_levelup sound with the sound-volume of 1, which is equal to 100% (0.25 = 25%, 0.1 = 10% and so on...) and the pitch of 0.

Key Description Type Default
sound The name of the sound. A list of sounds can be found here String/Enum None
sound-volume The volume this sound is played with. Float 1
sound-pitch The pitch this sound is played with. Float 0
Add particle effects

You can also add particle effects to an event. The following example shows a configuration that plays a totem effect from the blocks center with an amount of 10 particles. You can combine particle and sound effects in one single definition!

    particle: totem
    particle-amount: 10

If you are using the redstone particle, you can also define the color of the spawned particles using the particle-color property. Here's an example using the redstone particle.

    particle: redstone
    particle-amount: 10
      r: 204
      g: 0
      b: 0
    particle-size: 1
    particle-pattern: center
Key Description Type Default
particle The particle that should be displayed. A list of particles can be found here. String None
particle-amount The amount of particles that should be spawned. (Multiplied when particle-pattern is set to borders). Integer 5
particle-color The color of the spawned particles defined by 3 sub-properties (r,g and b) (only supported by redstone!) Section with integer properties (r, g and b) 0
particle-size The size of the spawned particles (only supported by redstone!) Float 1
particle-pattern The pattern in which the particles are spawned. Pattern (center or borders) center

The plugin supports 2 particle-patterns:

center: The particles are spawned in the exact center of the block.

borders: The particles are spawned alongside the blocks borders.

Supported events

This list contains all supported events. The names used in the configuration are not case sensitive.

Name Description
DEPOSIT_DISCOVERED This event is triggered when a player discovered a rich-deposit.

Give experience for mined blocks

You can add two different types of experience to a material. One being experience and the other one being rich-experience as you might have already guessed, the first one sets the amont of experience a player can earn by mining a certain material while the rich-experience sets the value of the experience that is earned from materials that were spawned by a deposit. Below you can find a basic example. Keep in mind, that the first time a mineral is mined is also the point in time in which the rich-amount get's drawn. Both settings support ranges between integers.

    - stone
    cooldown: 5-10
    experience: 1-3
    rich-chance: 75
    rich-amount: 1-4
    rich-experience: 1-2

This definition describes a coal ore that gives between 1 and 3 experience-points when mined from a common material and 1-2 experience-points when mined from a deposit. By default orbs with the given amounts of experience are spawned at the mined blocks. If you want to give the experience to the player directly, you can use the setting experience.spawnOrbs in the plugins config.yml to do so.

Opening hours

Opening hours are a feature, that was first introduced with the clan-update (1.7.0). This feature offers a way to allow your players to mine at specific times and is only available on a regional level! This means, that this feature is only a available if you've created a region configuration before. To keep regional configuration files as clean as possible, the openingHours sections is not copied by default, as it also is part of the more advanced functions of OuroborosMines. However, opening-hours can be inherited from the preset contained in config.yml. The opening hours can be configured as follows:

  enabled: false
  time: 0-12000
  realtime: 11:00-16:00
    opening: true
    closing: true
      - world

Let me explain how it works. The time setting defines the opening-hours of the mine in ticks. Ticks are a Minecraft specific time unit. You can learn more about that here. However, if the setting realtime is set, time will be ignored and can be removed from the configuration without any problems. If you want to use realtime timespans, make sure to use the 24h time-format. One difference here, is that realtime also supports multiple timespans. If you want to open your mines twice a day, you can do something like this:

  - 8:00-12:00
  - 14:00-18:00

This example would make the mine open from 8:00 to 12 and from 2PM to 6PM. As you now know how you can configure the opening hours let's get to the announcements section, which looks as follows:

  opening: true
  closing: true
    - world

Depending if opening/closing is enabled the opening/closing will be announced in all worlds listed in the worlds section. The worlds section is fully optional and can be removed, if you want to broadcast opening/closing globally. The messages, that are send when a mine opens or closes are defined in your config.yml or the regions configuration file:

      opening: "&2The mines are open!"
      closing: "&cThe mines are now closed. Come back tomorrow!"
    minesClosed: "&cThe mines are closed come back later."


You can customize OuroborosMine's placeholders. For example: The opening placeholder can be customized as shown below. format defines the format of the countdown and open contains the message that is shown as long as the the mine is opened. You can learn more about the placeholders on their wiki page.

    format: '%h%:%m%:%s%'
    open: Now!
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