lab 03 - Tfrankian/sys255 GitHub Wiki

lab summary

dhcp01 workstation - made edits to network settings, added users Testing wks01 workstation - made sure that wks01 could connect to the dhcp01 workstation

setting up dhcp01 workstation

When I was setting up the dhcp01 workstation I started off by changing the network adapter from wan to lan and turned on the vm. After that I opened the vm and used the "nmtui" which opened up the network settings. I then went to the only available networked and opened it. I then switched it from automatic to manual and set all the configs. The IP address was, the gateway was, the DNS was, and the Search Domain was trevor.local. After that, I went back to the menu of the network settings, now I scrolled to the hostname settings and made the hostname to dhcp01-trevor. Finally I added a new user and logged into that one.

man Displays all the info about specific commands or functions
grep Searches for specific words or files
cp Copies files or directories