Description of Bindings and Macros - Tetz95/linux-g13-driver GitHub Wiki

#Description of Bindings and Macros


The linux-g13-driver allows a user to bind any key on their G13 keyboard to any key on their normal keyboard. This is called the pass-through mode. The driver also allows a user to bind a G13 key to a macro.

A macro is a set of key sequences and delays. The UI allows the capture of keys to create macros. Once a macro is created, it can be bound to a G13 key. Optionally, the macro can auto-repeat as long as the G13 key is held down.

These key bindings (G13 keys to normal keyboard keys or macros) are saved in a configuration file which is called bindings. There are 4 bindings files. A bindings file is loaded into the driver by selecting one of the 4 keys right below the LCD screen on the G13 Gamepad.

All bindings and macro definitions are saved under your home directory in ~/.g13. The bindings and macros are created the first time the Java UI is executed.

In most cases a user will never have to modify a bindings or macro file by hand. The java user interface should provide the functionality needed.

If the user's configuration files become corrupt or unusable, the user can delete their configuration directory ~/.g13 and then restart the java user interface. This will reconstruct the default bindings and macro files.

##Bindings Definition

In ~/.g13 you can find your bindings files. The file names contain the binding mapping to the G13 gamepad key mapping. The leftmost bindings key on the G13 keyboard loads (B0 key on image below). The second from the left loads (B1 key on image below) and so forth.

##Default Bindings

##Binding Files Definition

Binding files (,, etc) are property files with key/value pairing. Any line that starts with # is a comment line and is ignored by the driver.

###Color The color key defines the LCD color. The value for this is an rgb value separated by commas.

ie: color=r,b,g where r/b/g are a value between 0 and 255

The Gxx keys define the gamepad key. Please note that these keys have a numeric value of 1 less than what is on the G13 gamepad (because computers start at 0 and humans start at 1). The value of these keys is either pass-through or macro.

###Pass-through Pass-through is defined as p followed by the k.linux_keycode

ie: G0=p,k.3

This line defines the G1 key on the gamepad to be a pass-through with keycode 3 (which is the "1" on the keyboard). Linux keycodes are defined below.

###Macro Macro is defined by m followed by macro_id followed by repeat_flag

ie: G1=m,12,1

This line defines the G2 key on the gamepad to be assigned to macro #12 and repeat while the key is pressed (1 for repeat, 0 for one time per key down).

##Macro Files Definition

Macro files ( are property files with key/value pairing. Any line that starts with # is a comment line and is ignored by the driver.

Up to 200 macros (and files) can be defined and used by the driver and UI.

###Name The name key defines the name of the macro shown on the UI.

ie: name=My Macro

The above line defines the name of the macro.

###Id The id key defines the id of the macro.

ie: id=2

The above line defines that this macro id is 2. The file that it's saved in must contain the same id. If the id is 2, than the file name must be

###Sequence The sequence key defines the sequence of events that take place in the macro. There are 3 types of events: key down (kd), key up (ku) and delay (d).

Each of the events are followed by a period (.) and then the corresponding value of the event. In the case of key down and key up events, an event code occurs. In the case of delay events a time in milliseconds occurs.

ie: sequence=kd.29,d.395,kd.12,d.82,ku.12,d.365,ku.29

The above line defines a sequence of: L_CTRL Key Down, delay of 395 ms (0.395 seconds), MINUS Key down, delay of 82 ms, MINUS key up, delay of 365 ms, L_CTRL Key Up.

##Key Codes

Linux Keycode Name Java Keycode Java Location
1 ESC KeyEvent.VK_Escape
2 1 KeyEvent.VK_1
3 2 KeyEvent.VK_2
4 3 KeyEvent.VK_3
5 4 KeyEvent.VK_4
6 5 KeyEvent.VK_5
7 6 KeyEvent.VK_6
8 7 KeyEvent.VK_7
9 8 KeyEvent.VK_8
10 9 KeyEvent.VK_9
11 0 KeyEvent.VK_0
12 - KeyEvent.VK_Minus
13 = KeyEvent.VK_Equals
14 Backspace KeyEvent.VK_Backspace
15 Tab KeyEvent.VK_Tab
16 Q KeyEvent.VK_Q
17 W KeyEvent.VK_W
18 E KeyEvent.VK_E
19 R KeyEvent.VK_R
20 T KeyEvent.VK_T
21 Y KeyEvent.VK_Y
22 U KeyEvent.VK_U
23 I KeyEvent.VK_I
24 O KeyEvent.VK_O
25 P KeyEvent.VK_P
26 [ KeyEvent.VK_Left Brace
27 ] KeyEvent.VK_Right Brace
28 Enter KeyEvent.VK_Enter
30 A KeyEvent.VK_A
31 S KeyEvent.VK_S
32 D KeyEvent.VK_D
33 F KeyEvent.VK_F
34 G KeyEvent.VK_G
35 H KeyEvent.VK_H
36 J KeyEvent.VK_J
37 K KeyEvent.VK_K
38 L KeyEvent.VK_L
39 ; KeyEvent.VK_Semicolon
40 ' KeyEvent.VK_Quote
41 ` KeyEvent.VK_Back Quote
42 L Shift KeyEvent.VK_Shift KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_LEFT
43 \ KeyEvent.VK_Back Slash
44 Z KeyEvent.VK_Z
45 X KeyEvent.VK_X
46 C KeyEvent.VK_C
47 V KeyEvent.VK_V
48 B KeyEvent.VK_B
49 N KeyEvent.VK_N
50 M KeyEvent.VK_M
51 , KeyEvent.VK_Comma
52 . KeyEvent.VK_Period
53 / KeyEvent.VK_Slash
54 R Shift KeyEvent.VK_Shift KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT
55 NumPad KeyEvent.VK_NumPad
56 L Alt KeyEvent.VK_Alt KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_LEFT
57 Space KeyEvent.VK_Space
58 Cap Lock KeyEvent.VK_Caps Lock
59 F1 KeyEvent.VK_F1
60 F2 KeyEvent.VK_F2
61 F3 KeyEvent.VK_F3
62 F4 KeyEvent.VK_F4
63 F5 KeyEvent.VK_F5
64 F6 KeyEvent.VK_F6
65 F7 KeyEvent.VK_F7
66 F8 KeyEvent.VK_F8
67 F9 KeyEvent.VK_F9
68 F10 KeyEvent.VK_F10
69 Num Lock KeyEvent.VK_Num Lock
70 Scroll Lock KeyEvent.VK_Scroll Lock
71 NumPad 7 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-7
72 NumPad 8 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-8
73 NumPad 9 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-9
74 NumPad - KeyEvent.VK_Minus
75 NumPad 4 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-4
76 NumPad 5 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-5
77 NumPad 6 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-6
78 NumPad + KeyEvent.VK_Plus
79 NumPad 1 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-1
80 NumPad 2 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-2
81 NumPad 3 KeyEvent.VK_NumPad-3
82 Numpad Ins KeyEvent.VK_Insert
83 Numpad Del KeyEvent.VK_Delete
87 F11 KeyEvent.VK_F11
88 F12 KeyEvent.VK_F12
89 F13 KeyEvent.VK_F13
90 F14 KeyEvent.VK_F14
91 F15 KeyEvent.VK_F15
92 F16 KeyEvent.VK_F16
93 F17 KeyEvent.VK_F17
94 F18 KeyEvent.VK_F18
95 F19 KeyEvent.VK_F19
96 R Enter KeyEvent.VK_Enter KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD
97 R Ctrl KeyEvent.VK_Ctrl KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT
98 / KeyEvent.VK_Slash KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD
99 PRT SCR KeyEvent.VK_Print Screen
102 Home KeyEvent.VK_Home
103 Up KeyEvent.VK_Up
104 PgUp KeyEvent.VK_Page Up
105 Left KeyEvent.VK_Left
106 Right KeyEvent.VK_Right
107 End KeyEvent.VK_End
108 Down KeyEvent.VK_Down
109 PgDn KeyEvent.VK_Page Down
110 Insert KeyEvent.VK_Insert
111 Del KeyEvent.VK_Delete
119 Pause KeyEvent.VK_Pause