Writing tests - Test-More/test-more GitHub Wiki

Writing tests for a test library is a bit special.

We test ourselves with a separate test library called t/test.pl. It comes from the Perl core. t/test.pl implements most of the Test::More interface, and then some, without relying on it. This lets us test ourselves even when we're broken. For all practical purposes, use it like Test::More.

Here is a test boilerplate:

#!/usr/bin/env perl -w

# A short explanation of what this test is doing

use strict;
use warnings;

BEGIN { require "t/test.pl" }

note "What this block of tests is doing"; {
    ...test code here...

note "What this other block of tests is doing"; {
    ...test code here...

...and so on...


Test blocks serve to split the test up into manageable chunks, both in terms of variable scope and how much you have to read. They also forgive not putting a name on each and every test.

Each test block should strive to handle one method or one situation. For example...

note "Passing result"; {
    my $result = Test::Builder2::Result->new_result( pass => 1 );

    is $result->type, 'pass';
    ok $result->is_pass;
    ok !$result->is_fail;
    ok !$result->is_todo;
    ok !$result->is_skip;
    ok $result;

note "Failing result"; {
    my $result = Test::Builder2::Result->new_result( pass => 0 );

    is $result->type, 'fail';
    ok !$result->is_pass;
    ok $result->is_fail;
    ok !$result->is_todo;
    ok !$result->is_skip;
    ok !$result;