Rope Bridges - TerraformersMC/Campanion GitHub Wiki
Rope Bridges
How does one get from here to over there.
Rope Bridges are something that builders make in Vanilla all the time. They are difficult to get to look right and especially difficult at angles. Campanion aims to make rope bridge construction as painless as possible. See Usage
Things you'll need.
To create a rope bridge you will need a few things first.
- 2 Rope bridge posts to hold the bridge up. See Crafting
- A number of pieces of rope proportional to the length of your bridge
- A number of wooden planks proportional to the length of your bridge.
Step 1:
Step one to building a Rope Bridge is to place a Rope Bridge Post on either end of the desired bridge location.
Step 2:
Step two is to right-click on both sides of the bridge holding rope to build the bridge schematic. You will need a decent amount of rope to do this, so stock up your string!
Step 3:
Finally to make your bridge walkable, right-click on one of the posts while holding any type of wooden plank to fill in the gaps. Your bridge will need to be unobstructed for this to work. Any issues with your bridge construction will be printed in the chat for you to remedy.
This page last updated 4-4-2020