Leather Tanning - TerraformersMC/Campanion GitHub Wiki
Leather Tanning
Hmm, shouldn't everything be crafted with tanned leather?
There is something more rewarding about the process than the result. Campanion used the opportunity of Leather Tanning as a stepping stone towards better backpacks primarily. Vanilla Minecraft can be a little too simple at times, allowing you to create things out of the raw hide that comes straight from the cows' backs.
To tan leather, you need to craft a Leather Tanner, using 6 sticks
Once you've crafted and placed the leather tanner in your world, you can right-click on it while holding your leather. This will set it out to tan in the sun. After a while, check back on your tanners and you will find that it has been strengthened and is ready for crafting your camping equipment!
Optimizing your tanning time.
If you're tired of waiting on your leather to tan for hours we've added a way to speed it up! Placing your hides near a campfire will now increase the speed by up to 100% depending on where it is placed. You will want your tanning racks to be placed within a block of your campfire and with one of the faces of the leather towards the fire. There you go, it's like a spray tan for cow hides!
This page last updated 12-9-2020