Release Notes - Terminaator/chatbot GitHub Wiki
2. Iteration
- Created infrastructure. Although there is no UI, the client should be able ask a question and get a response.
- Bot can answer questions about course ects and ID. UC2
- Bot is now easily expandable.
- The bot can put words in different forms. (example: "tarkvaraprojekt" -> "tarkvaraprojekti")
- The application is using Apache2 to run on UT's virtual server now.
3. Iteration
- Created basic UI
- Added a bunch of new questions
- The bot tries to ask specifying question if user doesn't give enough information
- Added basic conversation
- Added help command
- Added more tests
- Adding new questions was made simpler
- Sentence processing was improved
- CI was set up
4. Iteration
- Created session management
- Added authentication
- Refactored code - made adding new questions easier, reduced the amount of if statements
- Added game: Hangman
- Added jokes
- Added questions about current weather in Tartu
- Added basic questions for authenticated user - for example "Mis on minu järgmine aine" and "Mis mu matriklinumber on?"
- Added questions, that require authentication
- Bot can answer with pics and videos now
- Added mockup testing.
- Created better documentation.
- Travis CI job now automatically updates server aswell
- Bugs #48
#44 fixed