Auto Complete - Teriks/LibLSLCC GitHub Wiki

Auto complete while typing is contextually aware, it will only recommend something that might be syntactically correct at your cursor position (except for parameter type matching, which is not implemented for auto complete).

It will also only recommend something based on the what you have just began to type.

You can use the keyboard shortcuts pictured below to force showing suggestions before you start to type if needed.

Such as when you want to look through all possible LSL constants, library functions, or in scope definitions etc...


The menu shown above can be reached by right clicking at the cursor position.

  • Suggest Library Constants: Ctrl+Q
  • Suggest Library Functions: Ctrl+W
  • Suggest User Defined/Event: Ctrl+Space
    Ctrl+Space will suggest user defined variables and functions, or event hook names if your cursor is inside a state body.