Reference Google Analytics Events - TenthPres/TouchPoint-WP GitHub Wiki
This plugin has several Google Analytics Events triggers built into the user-facing javascript. If you are using Google Analytics on your website, these events should appear automatically once they have occurred.
Category | Action | Label | Description |
[Involvement Type] | finder click | [the name of the involvement] | Fires whenever someone clicks an Involvement in the Involvements Nearby module. |
[Involvement Type] | join btn click | [the name of the involvement] | Fires whenever someone clicks the "Join" button for an involvement. |
[Involvement Type] | join userIdentified | [the name of the involvement] | Fires when the person is identified or created in TouchPoint for this action. |
[Involvement Type] | join complete | [the name of the involvement] | Fires when a person has completed the process from clicking the "Join" button and they have been added as a prospective member of the group. |
[Involvement Type] | contact btn click | [the name of the involvement] | Fires whenever someone clicks the "Contact Leader" button for an involvement. |
[Involvement Type] | contact userIdentified | [the name of the involvement] | Fires when the person is identified or created in TouchPoint for this action. |
[Involvement Type] | contact complete | [the name of the involvement] | Fires when a person has completed the process from clicking the "Contact Leader" button and the message has been sent. |
[Item Type] | mapMarker click | [the label on the marker] | Fires when a person clicks on a map marker on a Partner or Involvements page. |
[Item Type] | showOnMap btn click | [the name of the partner/involvement] | Fires when a person clicks on the "Show on Map" button on an Involvement or Partner. |
Person | contact btn click | [the PeopleId of the recipient] | Fires whenever someone clicks the "Contact" button for a Person. |
Person | contact userIdentified | [the PeopleId of the recipient] | Fires when the person is identified or created in TouchPoint for this action. |
Person | contact complete | [the PeopleId of the recipient] | Fires when a person has completed the process from clicking the "Contact" button and the message has been sent. |
rsvp | rsvp btn click | [the MeetingId for the RSVP] | Fires whenever someone clicks the "RSVP" button. |
rsvp | rsvp userIdentified | [the MeetingId for the RSVP] | Fires when the person is identified or created in TouchPoint for this action. |
rsvp | rsvp complete | [the MeetingId for the RSVP] | Fires when a person has completed the RSVP process. |
tp | permission | Device Location | Fires when a user clicks to use their actual location, such as for Involvements Nearby. |