Requirements analysis - Tensor-Reloaded/Property-Development-Prediction GitHub Wiki

Main purpose

  • The application is meant to be used to view the possible evolution of a given urban area in a future year

Users, stakeholders

  • This application is not meant with a production environment in mind; However, it should be accessible to anyone


Main functional requirements

  • The application should provide an intuitive UI for the user to choose a location where he wants to view the possible evolution; Possible UI elements:
    • Map to pick the location
    • Slider to choose the future year
    • Image slot to display the evolved area

Side functional requirements

  • The application could also provide estimative prices for the given areas
  • The application could also provide a module to retain the user's results

Risk assessment

State-of-the-art: Risk assessment

Machine learning considerations

  • We could take into account the traffic hotspots to determine busy (usually central) places, which would define the core of an urban settlement; This way, we could better determine in which directions the city would expand, and maybe even adapt prices