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Application Setup

This page details how to set up the application. Be sure you pay close attention and do exactly as written.

NOTE: It's worth mentioning that we assume you already have .imap files extracted from the game. If you don't know how to extract .imap files you can use Telltale Explorer or ttarchexe to extract .imap files from the game you wish to modify.


Application Installation is fairly simple.

  1. You download the latest release from here.
  2. Create a folder that will contain the editor application
  3. Then simply extract the zip file contents to the folder that you have created.
  4. Download and run the installer for the Windows 10 SDK.
  5. Run the IMAP_Editor.exe to run the editor.

If you do run into an issue, be sure to detail your experiences and issues that you encounter and post it as an issue here.


Upon opening the application, you'll be greeted by the main window. The app will be described from top to bottom.


Menu Bar

  • Open File - Will open a short and small window that will ask you to locate the .imap file you wish to edit, as well as selecting the game version in which it came from (it needs to be exactly right)
  • Save - Save's the current .imap file that is opened and being edited.
  • Save As - Save's the current .imap file as a different name and location.
  • Toggle App Theme - (in Version 1.0.3 and above) Switches the UI Theme of the application from dark colors to light colors.

IMAP Entries Section (Left Side)

  • IMAP File Path - This field displays the path of the current .imap file you have opened. You can also double-click this box to open a new .imap file.
  • IMAP List View - This is the meat of the editor. When an .imap file is loaded in, it will load all the entries of the file in this listview and the data that each one contains. When the .imap has a lot of entires the list will accommodate and display scrollbars for you to view all of the elements.
  • Plus Icon - Adds a new entry to the .imap file. Ths will be added at the bottom of the .imap list with some default values.
  • Minus Icon - Removes an entry from the .imap file.

IMAP Entry Data (Right Side)

  • Input Key Code - is a dropdown containing all of the different input keys that you can set for the entry. Worth mentioning that not all input key codes are supported or will be displayed on some imap files.
  • Event Type - describes the type of event in which the input key code is dealt with. BEGIN occurs on the frame the key is pressed. END occurs on the frame the key is released.
  • Lua Script Function Name - This field binds a lua script function name to a function within the script files of the game itself. For general use we recommend you don't change this as it needs to be exact. If you are developing however and adding your own entries you can change the name to your own lua function to bind it to a key.
  • Controller Index Override - This can be left untouched, the default value for this is -1. Through testing, it's been shown that this value doesn't seem to change even with keybinds to controllers. So leave it as is.