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Welcome to the about page. This page will detail what the IMAP editor is about and what the different fields are and do for any imap entry.


This application is designed to edit .imap files that exist within a Telltale game. .imap files can be extracted from a .ttarch/.ttarch2 archive from the game files, and are usually located in an archive that has the suffix '_data'.

.imap = Input Mappings

.imap files are responsible for most of the input that you have in a Telltale game. This editor allows you to modify and change/rebind key bindings to whatever you like. In addition to that you can also add or remove existing .imap entries, and even add in your own custom .imap entries with your custom lua function names.

IMAP Fields

Input Key Code

This is a dropdown containing all of the different input keys that you can set for the entry. Changing this will change the key to a different keybinding for which the current .imap entry is called for. (Worth mentioning that not all input key codes are supported or will be displayed properly on some imap files)

Event Type

This describes the type of event in which the input key code is dealt with. BEGIN occurs on the frame the key is pressed. END occurs on the frame the key is released.

Lua Script Function Name

This input field binds a lua/lenc script function name to a function that is written within the lua/lenc script files of the game itself.

If you are developing and want to add your own entries, you can change the name of an existing field, or a new one, to your own script function to bind it to a key.

NOTE 1: The function name needs to match the script function name it's calling EXACTLY.

NOTE 2: The function also has to be written as a proper input function, usually with an 'event' keyword passed as a parameter. There are plenty of examples that you'll find within the Input.lua or lenc script in every telltale game.

Controller Index Override

This can be left untouched, the default value for this is -1. Through testing, it's been shown that this value doesn't seem to change even with keybindings to controllers. So leave it as is.